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Household Hints Book Talking Dirty Laundry With the Queen of Clean by Linda C. Cobb Paperback: 176 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.49 x 8.30 x 5.34 Publisher: Pocket Books; (March 2001) ISBN: 0743418328 Check price @ , , Are you sick of turning your underwear pink and finding freshly washed tissue bits all over your new jeans? Perhaps it's time to investigate the deeper mysteries of the laundry room. There's more to clean clothes than soap and water, and Linda Cobb is willing to get down to the nitty-gritty in her simple, straightforward Talking Dirty Laundry with the Queen of Clean. No question is too small for the Queen--she tackles everything from stinky shoes to starched collars. Each short chapter concerns a specific topic, starting with the care and cleaning of the washing and drying machines themselves. Who knew the washer needed regular cleaning? A short section on line drying is included here as well; never again will you ponder the proper way to hang hand-washed slacks. Most of the chapters are devoted to various types of special problems, such as colors that ran, stain and odor removal, and cleaning large items like bedspreads and lampshades. Explanations for when to dry-clean and how to make your own spot cleaners using household items like club soda, cream of tartar, and denture-cleaning tablets are also included, alongside ironing techniques and the definitive way of color sorting. Particularly helpful are the A-to-Z guides to fabric care and stain removal at the end of the book. Each type of fabric--from delicates like chiffon and velvet to rugged corduroy and denim--has a preferred treatment and certain chemicals that it just can't handle. Talking Dirty Laundry will give you optimal cleaning results--whether you got chocolate on your khakis or wine on your wool, you'll have the problem solved before you can say, "Shout it out!" --Jill Lightner From AudioFile: Based on her bestselling book, Cobb's program is a fun lesson on how to handle every type of laundry room challenge. Detergents, wrinkles, odors, you name it--she's got advice on everything you could imagine, including every type of stain and the household remedy for it. After some general comments on the most common laundry problems, the smart-aleck author gives ingenious answers to adoring "callers" who have interesting laundry issues. This tongue-in-cheek give and take is really funny in a sophisticated way. A great gift for the teenager or ex-husband whose laundry you're still doing. Book Description: DOWN WITH LAUNDRY DRUDGERY! LET THE QUEEN OF CLEAN® MAKE WASH DAY LOADS OF FUN! Once upon a time, in a world fraught with shrinking jeans, dry-cleaning debacles, and endangered delicates, laundry was a dreaded chore. Then one happy day, the Queen of Clean® put an end to the vicious washand-dry cycle -- with her all-new collection of ingenious tips and natural solutions for stress-free washing, ironing, sorting, and stain-busting! • Let the Queen show you how to: • sort laundry like a pro • remove spots, stains, scorch marks, and odors • soften hard water-and save clothes from a dull, gray fate • make your own fabric softener sheets in a snap • say good-bye to pink socks, with a foolproof colorfastness test • line-dry clothes without hanger lumps or clothespin marks • decipher those fabric care symbols on clothing tags • get the scoop on home dry-cleaning kits • discover the secrets to lint-free drying-and quick fixes for when tissues, crayons, and other foreign bodies take a spin in the dryer • The Queen provides a complete stain removal guide -- and ransacks your cupboard for amazing, inexpensive spot removers including • lemon juice • meat tenderizer • WD-40 • lubricant • salt • shaving cream...and more! Whether you turn around family-sized wash loads seven days a week, air your dirty laundry at the local laundromat, or are among the seriously "laundry challenged," consult the Queen for no-nonsense advice -- and fabulous results! Download Description: Best of the Best. The woman who taught the no-hassle way to clean house now is focusing her considerable energies on the laundry room, using the same no-nonsense tips and hints approach, and getting the same fabulous results. Customer Reviews A Recommendation for Kelly Kline from Coplay, PA, August 28, 2002 Reviewer: Shirley M Valdes from Alton, Illinois USA Hi Kelly: You wrote that this book didn't have a solution for GRASS STAINS, so I thought of you when I saw Linda Cobb's other book called "A Queen for All Seasons: A Year of Tips, Tricks, and Picks for a Cleaner House and a More Organized Life!" In this book it states the following: (Just ONE of the things in this book.) Spring: Garden the natural way...allergy-proof your home...banish GRASS STAINS...color your Easter eggs.... SO....I thought you might like to get this book to help with some of those grass stains we all know kids are very good at getting ground into clothes. You didn't have your email address so I could write I hope you see this recommendation. Wonderful book!, May 17, 2002 Reviewer: teresad90 from Ottumwa IA USA I found so much useful information in this book! I really enjoy it and use it often. I appreciate the fact that most of her cleaning solutions are non-toxic as I have a 2 year old at home. I found that baking soda WILL unclog a drain (combined with a few other things) :) In fact baking soda by itself will clean quite a bit of your home. Helpful, April 6, 2002 Reviewer: A reader from Birmingham,AL This book offers helpful tidbits. One should always take precautions before doing a lot of this tips at home. Not everything is for everybody. If you have children with allergies or smaller children, you should take more precautions. The book is helpful, but some things in this book is basic common sense. Washed up in Las Vegas, August 26, 2001 Reviewer: A reader from Las Vegas, NV USA I have done a million loads of laundry, and I learned a lot from this book, including ways to wash for my really allergic family, and use more natural products. A really easy read, and great advise. My wife swears by this book!, June 30, 2001 Reviewer: Reader from Goodyear, AZ USA OK, I haven't read it myself, but I've heard enough from my wife to write a review (she keeps reading tips out loud to me)! She sat down and read it cover to cover and keeps it handy as a "reference" book. It's filled with practical, simple "secrets" that really do work when it comes to cleaning laundry (like using lemon juice and sunshine to whiten whites), much as her other book about general cleaning does. The book will probably pay for itself after you try a few tips. Highly recommended! An essential resource for stain removal & basic laundry info, June 10, 2001 Reviewer: christinemm from Connecticut USA A very easy to read and follow book about removing every kind of stain that I've encountered. Organized by chapter for those who want to read it cover to cover. Great index for those who just want to look up their stain problem and find the solution quickly without reading the book cover to cover. Many of the stains can be removed with simple projects we have around the house. Other times specific chemical solutions are recommended. Often times she suggests both a specific chemical and an alternative with something you probably have at home already which is handy. General instructions such as dabbing at a stain, not rubbing at it, and why, are explained and are easy to remember (and work)! A great chapter on general use and care of the washing machine and another on the same subject with your clothes dryer. Why didn't anyone teach me this information? Why doesn't this information come with the appliances when we buy them? I don't know the answers but this book is the solution. Tips such as how to clean the fabric softener dispenser and how, and when to clean your dryer's lint collector, and a solution for when you discover wrinkled clothes in the dryer. General care instructions for all kinds of fabrics and items such as drapes and lampshades. A great resource for an inexpensive price. How about both of her books as a bridal shower gift or for the new parents? The one I was looking for, June 4, 2001 Reviewer: slhacker from Visalia, CA USA I bought and liked "Talking Dirty", but was disappointed that much of what I was looking for was not in it. Ah, here came the "laundry" book and I was more than impressed. I salvaged two garments, both of which were pretty new but BADLY stained. I now have two beautiful "new" tops...(one a beige sweater, one a white sweatshirt)...Love the book, wish I would have had the advice througout the last 35 years of marriage and babies, etc...can't wait to tackle the future grandkids' stuff now! Lots of stains not listed, April 25, 2001 Reviewer: Kelly Kline from Coplay, PA United States I was very disappointed with this book. I saw it on Oprah and thought that I had to have it because I'm not very good with laundry. It turns out that every time I've referenced it, the stain I'm looking to treat isn't included. For instance, GRASS STAINS! Where is that??? Anyone who has children would look for this first, yet it's not even in there. There are many common stains that aren't even listed. I wouldn't recommend this book; and I'm surprised that Oprah did. SO SQUEAKY CLEAN, YOU'LL LOVE IT!, April 11, 2001 Reviewer: petersmaclean from Prince Edward Island, Canada This book should be one of the first books you ever buy your son or daughter when they leave the nest. Perhaps, when they come home to visit, the underwear will not be hot pink, the pant legs (if they are pressed at all) will not have three separate creases down the front, the pantyhose will not be a glob of twisted pretzels, and the pricey angora sweaters will not look as if someone just shot the poor rabbit! No matter how old you live to be, you still live and learn, and no matter how great a homemaker you truly are, you are bound to discover something here that you never knew before. Buy the book, it makes a terrific reference guide and is filled with interesting facts and tips. Aside from the book, I wonder if Linda Cobb does house calls. I have this incredible mountain of laundry piling up.... 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