Home Improvement
Dare to Repair: A Do-It-Herself Guide to Fixing (Almost) Anything in the Home
by Julie Sussman, Stephanie Glakas-Tenet, Yeorgos Lampathakis (Illustrator), Linda C. Fuller
Paperback: 272 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.85 x 9.18 x 7.36
Publisher: HarperResource; 1st edition (September 3, 2002)
ISBN: 0060959843
There are people in this world who take every plumbing leak and every clogged drain as a personal challenge. Then there are others who dial 911 when a toilet starts to run over. To stop the monetary damages, Sussman and Glakas-Tenet put together a "dummy's" guide to common repairs that usually flummox a beginner. Everything's explained in exquisite detail: tools, labeled and illustrated; steps, pictured realistically. The five major chapters--plumbing; electricity; major appliances; windows, walls, and doors; home safety--deal with 75 simple fix-its, ranging from replacing toilet seats to freeing a stuck window. Plus, words of encouragement accompany every task, certainly enough to convince anyone to pick up a pliers and twist. Barbara Jacobs
Smart Homes For Dummies®
by Danny Briere (Author), Patrick Hurley (Author)
Paperback: 384 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.86 x 9.20 x 7.44
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; (June 1999)
ISBN: 0764505270
Welcome to the new millennium and the next step in home technology. Replace your telephone with a computer. Power up your burglar alarm from a PC that's miles away. Turn lights on and off with a click of your mouse, or plan and build your meals without stepping into the kitchen (well, almostÖthere's still dishes to do).
Trim Carpentry and Built-Ins: Expert Advice from Start to Finish (Build Like a Pro Series)
by Clayton Dekorne
Paperback: 160 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.41 x 10.98 x 9.16
Publisher: Taunton Pr; (September 2002)
ISBN: 1561584789
Installing trim requires precision and know-how. This is the book that shows how to handle all common trim projects, including window and door casings, baseboards, wainscoting and crown molding -- and get professional results every time. Presented in a highly accessible format with 34 drawings and 230 color photos, this is a complete do-it-yourself book written by a professional carpenter.